problems from the start.

User Rating: 5 | Ultimate Band WII
When I got this game I thought it would be fun, I was sort of right. When I started this game I found one major problem, I'm left handed and this game seems to take the old way of treating lefties and making them righties so for me I was really struggling to control the game right. The game was still fun, at the beginning but after 4 to 6 songs the game got really repetitive and boring. I did like the grandstand events as it was funny to watch your character jump around like a drunken idiot. One of the grandstand events never worked right for me even though I think I was doing it right. For all you lefties out there don't go anywhere near this game because the controls will be very frustrating and you'll quickly lose interest. If this were a game where the righty only music controls only applied to something that rarely happened I could forgive this game but because this game is all about the music then I can't. I've barely beaten the first stage group in the game because of the controls. Even righties should forget about this game because soon it will get way to repetitive and boring.