...a disgrace.

User Rating: 4.5 | UFC Undisputed 2009 X360
UFC... Graphics look like PS2, controls are HORRIBLE, and online play? Don't even get me started on that...

Okay so I recently just got into UFC after watching a few matches on TV and thought wow that would be a great videogame. Just beating the piss out of someone til they're bloody all over. It just so happens THQ has a game out there and I thought it'd be exactly what I was looking for. I was wrong. The controls in UFC are worse than any game I've ever played. I can't believe how bad they screwed this one up. When your on the ground, its basically mash buttons and twist joysticks til you get full guard and then pound there face in. I cant stand it. Then theres the online play. They might as well not even have it. First of all, you cant find a single match. Then once you do find one, you cant play it because of how laggy it is. It's incredible. The graphics... Well they suck. Period. Now since I gave it a 4.5 theres got to be some good things about it right? Well there is, like the satisfaction of flash KO's when you kick someones face in, or superman punch them. Also, the flying mouth pieces. Gotta love it. Best achievement in the game is knock an oppenents mouth piece 3 meters when you KO them. It really is beautiful.

Other than that, the game is seems buggy and broken. THQ failed on this one. Better just wait for EA Sports MMA when that comes out in 2010. EA knows how to make a fighting game.

Hope this review was helpful.

- buckets