UFC 2009: Undisputed is the best of the brand yet doesn't quite recreate the UFC we fans have come to love on T.V.

User Rating: 7.5 | UFC Undisputed 2009 X360
First Impressions: Initially the game seemed spot on. I felt as though I was watching the UFC on t.v. yet had control of one of the fighters. Seemingly perfect! Yet with absolutely no idea of the controls, I mashed buttons and managed to KO the opposing fighter. Little did I know this moment of glory foreshadowed the simplicity of the game.

After some time: I was then intrigued by Career Mode. Creating my own fighter, be it in my own likeness or simply creating a 6'7" 235pound Russian monster hellbent on becoming the next champion by any means necessary!!!!, seemed like a fantastic gaming opportunity. Unfortunately, this aspect of the game becomes more work than play. I spend anywhere from 10 - 20 minutes going through menu screens, updating fighter shorts, training camps, deciding which stat points go where, etc. then go to an actual fight, simply to be Flash KO'd in the first round?! Which brings me to the games 2 biggest flaws = FLASH KOs and MENUS.

The Bad: Menu screens seem to be far too complicated. This is apparent when wanting to add a logo to a fighter's shorts. You have to go through, what...perhaps 5 or 6 menu/sub-menu screens just to slap one on? Some menu changes even require the game to slam a UFC logo screen down while it loads momentarily, literally closing you out from enjoying the experience. Like in my experience, after traversing these monotonous screens, the next hurdle is avoiding the flash ko. Usually, my fighter is the one dishing them out, which is fine but the fights become repetitive when they end with one over and over. Especially in the Classic Fights mode. For instance, when you must make the fight last to the 3rd round. I understand it's a challenge but the challenge shouldn't be to avoid hitting the guy.

The Good: The transitions from standing to ground is awesome and the submission and ground fighting is excellent. The graphics are great for a fighter and the commentary add a magnificent flavor to the ambiance.

Final: If you can get past the time consuming career mode menus and (with some luck) THQ releases that damned patch to fix the problems including the KO issue, then this game has plenty to offer. Character faces are easily recognizable, fighting styles differ, even if they differ just a little, and the controls, once understood (which takes time) are well rounded. If you're a UFC fan, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.