addictive gameplay with lots of excitement. Controls become natrual after awhile

User Rating: 8.5 | UFC Undisputed 2009 X360
Now i only gave the game like an 8.5 simply because there are things that need to be improved upon. The sparring can be exploited easily by just spamming take downs. but other than that i dont have many complaints about the career. the load times are the only thing really holding the game back right now. load times and all the saving. but all in all this game feels so good online and offline. i have only done 10 or so fights online but all were realistic fun fights. nobody is trying to spam moves or always trying to bust subs on me. i actually really enjoy the online so far. The career is kind of frustrating only because early on you cant do all you throws/slams transitions that you were used to doing in the demo. Im learning to live with it and keep advancing through the career. you can have big name fights in about 6 fights if ya want. i am playing it slowly so i am not out gunned when i fight the guys. on expert it is pretty easy to get lit up if you dont apply your stats in you weak areas. Honestly if you need a new game to play i would recommend this for the career alone. it my be a bit repetitive but is still fun. Online matches are were the game is at imo. I heard rumors of people quitting early to save their record but i havent ran across anyone yet. the styles do have a different feel to them and the game play is different with each guy. to equally skilled players gone go at it with guys who have lesser stats simply because they both can exploit each others weakness and play the game like its meant to be played. The controls are simple the game play is fun the only thing holding this game back from being a 10 is cage physics, load/save times, and slow developing career mode. Other than those minor irritations the game is great.