First round KO!

User Rating: 9 | UFC Undisputed 2009 X360
Ok I'll admit it, I absoloutely LOVE this game! This has to be one of the best sports games ive played in a long time, while this may only be the first MMA game on a next gen console it deffinatly dosent dissapoint. The graphics are very well polished and the attention to detail is superb, theres nothing like kicking somebody in the face and watching in slow motion as their mouthpeice go flying across the ring! The controls are pretty basic too, you've got your basic face buttons doing your punches & kicks while the shoulder buttons detemine your technique & defense. There are also plenty of fighters to choose from, with their respective weight classes, including big name fighters such as Chuck Liddell, Rampage Jackson, Antonio Nogueira & current champion Brock Lesnar. My only issue with that though is there are no legendary fighters in UFC 2009, I was really hoping to see guys like Shamrock & Coture but its a minor thing i'm willing to overlook.