Very fun, realistic, replay is high. Online is fun but often laggy, loading is long but worth the reward.

User Rating: 8.5 | UFC Undisputed 2009 X360
Well lets keep it simple and start off with Pros and Cons.

-Simply fun - mounting him and pounding him is great (never thought I'd say that in my life.)
-Creative, make your own fighter and decide what type of fighter you want to be.
-Replay is very very high, no match is the same.
-Training can be fun at first, some times you do great, sometimes not. Requires effort.
-Multiplayer is always fun (as long as you ain't fighting a clincher)

-Loading times (mutli-savings for no reason)
-Laggy online
-Clinching online is to powerful needs balanced
-Forced to retire your fighter once you get to many skill points/to many fights
-Training for the fights get old (sparing which also had a long load for a 2 min fight)

All in all its a great game that makes you feel like you are in a fight. Be a deadly strike, or a powerful American wrestler if thats what you want. Be the submissions master, or a world class boxer. Thats what makes the game interesting and fun. The career mode is great, it can be played several types with several different styles of fighters created by you. Very enjoyable over all, some balance issues in my opinion online with the clinching, but you will be breathing heavy when online fighting it out which is very fun. Needs a forced pause menu online if your batteries die though - I got my butt handed to me due to this and lost a 21 win streak. The loading times are lame and the game needs to be optimized more, it runs great once its going. Very good game, good buy.