The Car Combat you loved and missed!

User Rating: 8 | Twisted Metal PS3
It's been a long time since Twisted Metal Black was released for the PS2 and then... a drought. It was very exciting to see that TM was back in action and coming to the PS3! Although... not much has changed since I remember playing it all those years ago; it's car combat, simply put. Some of your favorite contestants will return, as well as the addition of some new contestants. The single player campaign, while lots of fun, it slightly disappointing. I miss having the choice of choosing my contestant and then diving into their story and how their wish will be twisted to screw them over... now it's been trimmed down to three stories: Mr. Grimm, Sweet Tooth, and Darkside (Doll Face). The stories are interesting, but extremely short. Multi-player is where this game shines - as it always has; driving around massive levels, computer or human players racing across your screen; missiles flying left and right; explosions going off incessantly; all joys that will bring back that days of yore. It lacks some of the qualities I so desired from my childhood, but all-in-all, it's the game you've been waiting for.