If it wasn't for the multiplayer crashes, it would be perfect.

User Rating: 9.5 | Twisted Metal PS3
After playing through single player (still need to get all golds). This game is a few things, first it is not very friendly to people who have never played Twisted Metal before. There is no tutorial and there is no simple way to check everything. But, after a few hours most people will get the hang of most aspects of the game, though things like jumping the car in multiplayer seem to be something that only previous fans know how to do. Besides this though, single player is tons of fun! The last boss is freaking hard as hell though and border-line frustrating. Multiplayer would be perfectly fun too if the matchmaking didn't keep crashing right now. I'm sure this will be fixed though, so there shouldn't be too much to worry about in the coming weeks! Custom soundtracks are really nice to have too, just realize that it plays music a lot louder than game music so you will have to manually adjust the sound (mine is at 15%).