I expected this game to be fun and trust me its no where near fun

User Rating: 4 | True Crime: New York City PS2
I went to gamestop to pick up some games for a bargain price and i happened to pick this one up thinking it was going to be great but i was wrong.
I really should have checked gamespot out before i purchased this piece of garbage.
Its like they put together a game with even trying it out before putting it on the shelves.The idea of the game is pretty good,choosing a good cop/bad cop.
The story is to weak to support the game itself.So i thought well they story may suck but hey the gameplay may be much better well i was wrong.The gameplay is was to buggy the controls are to stiff the guns arent really any fun to shoot the load times are slow,the graphics looks like a nintendo 64's graphics not updated at all the voice acting is horrible the cars are just to stiff to even drive and the missions are just plain pointless