Good game, just that it isn't exactly glitch/bug-free.

User Rating: 7 | True Crime: New York City PS2
True Crime NYC is truely a great game, if you have just gotten high and can stand the excessive bugs and glitches, not to forget the corny stroy plot.
Being serious now thought. True Crime NYC is a major update as far as a sequel goes from it's predossecor. But the story and the glitches just let the game fall so low, the gameplay is top-notch. It is highly enjoyable to be either a corrupt cop or a loyal officer depending on your attitude towards enemies and civillians. There is always two ways to get things accomplished on NYC, tiher in a more good cop manner, or decide to get savage or ferrel and go bad cop on their ass!

So, the gameplay elements contributed into the game are addictive and a great usage of controls and the game can flow fairly well. However, the slow-mo and mostly athletisism have been removed from NYC menaing that the shootouts are less fun, but the atmosphere improves from the last game. TC: NYC has a much more realistic atmosphere compared to the crumbly atmosphere in Streets of L.A.
The story in NYC however, is a downgrade, not exactly world-class scriptwriting to say the least.

Fianly, I owuld like to say that the voice acting is rather decent, and that NYC is a must-play if you can endure the near-unforgivable glitches and bugs, not to forget the lack of correspondence between tthe performance of an activity and the actual sound of opening a trunk and searching it for drugs for example, the movements and the sound just do not click together and work as they should.
So yeah, you should play this game if you enjoyed the first or, if you are new to the True Crime series and you are not sure whether to play this title or not, then I storngly suggest that you rent the game, see if you like it, then if you do, purchase it.