An amazing addition to any DS owner's library. The game's story and great use of the stylus will captivate you.

User Rating: 9 | Chou Shittou Caduceus DS
Trauma Center is, indeed, one of my all time favorite DS games. Since I don't have too many DS games, this is one of the ones that always made me happy just to keep coming back and play it.

First Impression:
At first, I thought Trauma Center sounded like quite a stupid game. I wasn't entirely thrilled with the idea of playing a game that you had to operate on patients. But I decided to give it a try, especially after playing Nintendogs, which I thought was going to suck, too.

I was immediatly pulled into the game's story and awsome use of the stylus. This game just fits the DS perfectly and I was so happy to just go through this game.

The stroy revolves around the main character, Derek Stiles (hehe...DS...and Stiles/Stylus...*ahem). At first, he just operates on regular things, like people getting glass stuck in their arms and tumors. But then the huge factor of the game comes in after a while. An unknown organization is making a virus called GUILT. GUILT comes in all kinds of lovely strands that can kill the human body either slowly or quickly, depending on the strand. Your objective is to stop the GUILT with your array of operating tools, such as scapels, lasers, antibiotic gel, and a few others.

Lasting Impression:

Currently, I'm still playing this just to try to get S rankings in all the missions. It's not an easy task and it will make you want to play the game alot more just to try to get better rankings at the missions, even after you've beaten the game's story mode. There are, however, some things that I didnt' like about the game. For one, there isn't much to do after you HAVE beaten the story mode (trust me, some of the story missions will eat you for supper, spit you out, and laugh at you as it kicks you in the a**, to put it politely). Sure, there's the challenge mode, but it's just all the games missions you've done already. along with a few extra missions on the side. Still, this game is one of the best, and should not be overlooked by ANY DS owner.

Gameplay: 9.0/10
An ingenious way to use the DS' stylus and dual screens. This game is near perfect at the execution.

Story: 9.0/10
An awsome story to boot, with virus', operating tools, and zombies (minus the zombies)

Sound: 8.0/10
There's some voice acting here and there when certain things happen in the operations, but I wish some of the sounds were worked out better, Some of the sounds sound like something that would come out of a GBC.

Replay: 8.0/10
Sure, trying to beat all the missions in S ranking is fun, but there's not too much new after you've beaten the story mode.

Fun Factor: 9.5/10
An extreamly fun game that will immediatly immerse you into its world.

Last Words:
Seriously, go buy this game. Now.