the single player isn't bad but the multiplayer is unplayeble i rather liked it to be removed from the game.

User Rating: 6.5 | Transformers: War for Cybertron X360
the singleplayer is not bd actually. except from the boring story. it's always the same thing. robots killing each other.but i like it when you turn in to cars. but i dont understand the appearence of snipers. you cant kill a single robot unless you are playing on easy. and it's still TOO hard. those big guys with machine guns that you have to kill them from behind. those are too hard. especially when ther's two of them. and then there's the multiplayer. it's just too boring and when you're a sniper,it's even worse! the level meter takes ages to fill running out of things to say. i dont know why some people like tis game and that boring something prime! personally, i am very sorry for myself that i had bought the game.i advice you not to buy it either.
xbox live gamertag : good hamoon nationality: iranian