The best online racing game which everyone should play! And it's free!

User Rating: 8.8 | TrackMania Nations: Electronic Sports World Cup PC
After hearing, that there was a new online racing game called Trackmania Nations I thought,, "A free online racing game? That can't be good". But I was wrong, the speed, the look, the sound everything is just right. I have my own server now, it's just awesome.

Trackmania Nations is a very fast and graphically very strong game title and has the best graphical Trackmania engine to date. The gameplay also is very good but could have been better by adding more gamemodes. But no complains because there is an option to make your own tracks and add them to multiplayer. That's what keeps the replay value high.

Maybe one annoying thing could be that sometimes the ladder (where the online players play on) is removed or down. That's not real great because you can't earn points in this stage and points are something you may need to rank as the best of your country. Yeah, guess what, if you rank as the best of your country you can go to the finals in France, then here you will fight against all the best ranked players from the different country's in a race to win 400.000 dollars!

Some notes:

There is a car painter in TM Nations so you can make your own car look different from the rest. But in the beginning no one will see your customized car online yet, you have to authentificate your account first on the official website of trackmania. They will ask here for a serial key here and you must use the serial key from Trackmania Orginal or Trackmania Sunrise to authentificate your account. So to show your customized car to others online you must own a copy of Trackmania Orginal or Trackmania Sunrise! When you have done your authentification online, players can now see your customized car. (I got this info from some forums)

Conclusion: TM Nations is a great game which can't be missed!

Cya laterzz on TM Nations=D
