A solid poker experience offline for practice.

User Rating: 7 | Tournament Poker: No Limit Texas Hold 'Em PC
Gameplay is okay. Nothing special. It's a game of poker minus the facial expressions and people being there. And it doesn't seem flawed. The AI isn't too bad. Graphics? It's a card game. You figure it out. Sound. The sound of poker chips being thrown in is all you'll hear in-game. On the setup screen, the tune that plays is actually pretty good. It's a nice, easy to listen to ditty. Is it worth getting? Worth it for poker fans who want to play offline on a computer because they have no friends to play with (like me.) It is pretty entertaining, considering it's a card game. It's solid. Depends on how much you wanna pay. If you're a die hard, pick it up for 20. If you're really, really casual, wait til it gets to 15 or 10. It is worth buying. Straight 7's I give it, across the board.