Like tennis? This would be a game for any tennis lover out there. Want realism? another reason to play this

User Rating: 9.6 | Top Spin XBOX
If I didn't say anything, I wouldn't say Top Spin would be a good game. If you got the xbox that came with this game along with NCAA Football 2005, it would be worth it. Especially for this game. I liked this game since I like tennis and because I play it in real life sometimes but I also liked it because of the player's reactions when they're happy or mad and it's career mode. Some of the techniques are really hard to do; like the serving. It takes lots of practice. You'll make a player that looks like you would (that's usually how people do it) and give him/her a racket and a style. You can play in Asia, Oceania, Europe, and North America. This would be a really nice looking sport game to play on the regular xbox and even better if you like tennis or have xbox live. (Note: can't play xbox live on my xbox because I have a modchip installed on it) The tennis players control the way you would expect them to.