Top Spin is a great experience, and is the best tennis game out there... It isn't an average tennis game

User Rating: 9 | Top Spin XBOX
Top Spin was a great tennis game, that even I enjoyed. I liked it a lot more than Mario Power Tennis, and maybe only a little more than Mario Tennis for the N64. the tournaments are fairly easy to beat, although there are a lot of them in campaign mode. Buying clothes and accessories with money if fun, as there is a lot of things to choose from. The graphics are terrific, and the sound is awesome. I love the option of getting mad when someone scores on you. The contros are sharp and easy to learn, but there is a lot more to learn than pressing a few simple buttons. Coaching is unlocked after beating the tournaments, and they teach you a lot, though their challenges tend to be long and tedious. Multiplayer is great, and fun to play, and live is probably a great experience too. Top Spin is a great game when it comes to sports, so don't miss out on it.