Has all the features of real tennis! Great single player!!!

User Rating: 9.2 | Top Spin XBOX
Top Spin has every feature of real pro tennis!! The single player career has everything you can ever ask for. You can customize your character choosing his DNA sample all the way to your socks! You customize your character to your every whim. Also, you can compete for your sponser like Addidas, Yonex, and others! You can visit places all over the world and compete at tournaments for trophies and career stats. You advance in rank (which is mainly how famous you are). There are different types of tournaments including minor, major, pro, and others. The quality is really good for my taste. The graphics are sweet except the fans look cardboard. The sound effects are pretty awseome. I have not had any problems with the game except it stops for a while to load (don't get me wrong, its not too bad). Overall, this game is wicked awesome so I suggest to at least try it out!!!