This game is the best in the series, and I really enjoyeSd it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground X360
This game had some bad reviews from some people, but from me this is game is very well done, but there are some issues with the game that I am very picky at.

Gameplay - 8.5
The controls are pretty much the same from the past games, except for some new features for the controls which I would explain but most of them are explained in interviews with the makers, but at least you can get on and off your board!

Graphics - 8.1
The graphics go for more of the realistic cartoon look, I enjoyed it though, but it just didn't feel right for me, because I thought it should of went for more of a realistic look, but I enjoyed it too.

Sounds - 8.7
The sounds were good, the liked the music for the most part though, just because I am not familiar with the sounds and its something new for me, the skating sounds pretty real as well.

Story - 8.5
The story is pretty much anything you want to become, either a Career, Hardcore or Rigger skater, but you'll find yourself playing all three, the game is pretty much you building up your fame with the pro skaters.

Replay Value - 8.0
The replay value is okay, but the world in Proving Ground is very small, smaller compared to EA's Skate, but you could still replay it a few times after you finish Story Mode.

Overall - 8.5
This game is better than I thought it was, I really enjoyed it, in the end it didn't disappoint me, now I'm hearing that the sequel "Tony Hawk's 10" is going for a more realistic turn, which could be bad or good, but for now play Proving Ground and wait for news on the sequel!