This is my favorite game on Playstation.

User Rating: 9.5 | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 PS
This is the first gam I ever played that I would consider absolutely amazing. The game provides great entertainment from beginning to end. The graphics were great for when it came out. The soundtrack featured great songs to skate to. The gameplay was also great. It features awesome ways to build the perfect lines and combos. The levels were all fun. There were secret areas, lines, and gaps to find in each level. The career mode was in-depth and fantastic. There was never a dull or boring moment. The two-player modes were so much fun. I never new skateboarding could be so much fun until I played this game. There was a great selection of skaters, including Tony Hawk, Bob Burnquist, Chad Muska, and more. For those, if any, who are still looking for a good Playstaton game should definitely get this game.