i've played better games then this game

User Rating: 5.7 | Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam WII
Admit it, you were curious to see what this game would be like. It seems so strange! Different controls, a new character cast, SSX-inspired gameplay! I can say this…remove Tony Hawk himself (and Kevin Staab, a secret character) and this wouldn’t be a Hawk game. It is so completely different from the usual Hawk experience, it’s really got very little in common. Sure, you’ve got kickflips and grab tricks, but it just doesn’t feel anything like Hawk.

Do not fret though, as that’s not a bad thing at all! The game is very interesting, it’s different and new and has some really cool elements to it.

The Good

This game is fun. The controls only take a short while to get used to, but mastering powerslides, sticker slaps and learning all the shortcuts is integral to the downhill portion of the game. In that, you see it’s not a regular Hawk game. While there are point-based objectives, this is mostly all about racing. A very cool change to the normal formula, you’ll have fun locating hidden areas, getting huge airs and on the point goals, hitting the portals will slow the game down, giving you extra time to craft incredible combos and tricks.

The graphics, while not breathtaking, are suitable. Vivid and colorful, diverse and creative, you’ll be skating through some very cool and interesting stages here. The cast of characters are as detailed as the stages, and each has their own set of 3 over-the-top special moves. You’ll be playing a wild and adventurous Hawk game. The Bad

There is only one playable mode in single player. This means there’s no free skate or single session. You’re forced to go through Downhill Mode which gives you a wide variety of stage and mode choices, but I can’t just choose to skate through the Alps without racing or having to choose a section of it. A minor gripe, it seems to go against what the Hawk series has done since the beginning.

The layout otherwise gives you tiers of objectives to complete. As you progress, new levels and goals become available. Goal objectives include races, point-based goals, knock over pedestrians or destroy surroundings, and each will be featured in different levels or sections of levels. This is cool in itself, but as I progressed, I felt less inclined to continue. Unlockables included new boards, several characters and outfits and concept art. The latter appears in movie form only, still screens would’ve been nice. The point here is that you chug through dozens of objectives with no real sense of why. I think the layout of the main mode could’ve been changed to give me a desire to continue. Unlockables are rarely detailed, so they just appear when you complete this or that stage, rather than saying, “Complete this and get that!” which might motivate me more.

Then we get to the cast. Before each level you’re presented with one character speaking about another character and…honestly, does anyone care about this? I can see that the developers tried to spruce up the game and give the cast depth. However, many of the comments are stereotypical, unnecessary and just silly. I watched a bunch before I skipped, with consistency, and I never watch now.

The most important part though is the controls and the gameplay. While fun, the game is broken. You may find yourself at the end of a race, barely in first place, 10 seconds left but Oh No! I’m stuck in a corner! Oh No! I’m backwards and I can’t turn around (press the - button). You’ll find yourself overcorrecting when you’re trying to make quick shortcuts. The tricks seem interchangeable, and even with some wild and creative special moves, they won’t matter much as you’re flying high. Finally, I still have issues performing back and front flips, sometimes spinning as well, as I’m in the air. The controller is sensitive, so why am I still having issues?

The Verdict?

That section on the bad seems so much bigger than the good. That doesn’t mean this game is terrible though. It’s not. It’s fun, it’s new and it's different (to all you naysayers out there). It's not a truly deep Hawk experience, but I could see myself picking it up for a quick round here or there. Again, this is where a free skate or level select is really missed.