This game goes downhill quickly

User Rating: 5.7 | Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam WII
Downhill jam.. I would've thought it would be fun to go down a hill at high speeds with nothing but a skateboard as a sense of rush overwelms you, making you bust combo after combo as you race for the finish. I though wrong. This game wasn't the game I hoped it to be, the speed does give you a feel of rush but not as much as I'de hoped, a total letdown as that was what I was looking for. Forget busting combos, half the time I was saying "What the heck is going on?". This game gives little options and a disappointing speed level that will make you regret wasting money on this mediocre title.

That about sums it all, so now I'm just going to suggest a few things hear and there. If you want a sense of rush get Need for Speed or Burnout. If you want a good skating game go pick up THUG2 or Project 8, and if you just want a good Wii game go get WarioWare. You won't get much from this game, only the hardest of the hardcore tony hawk fans could love this game.. and it'll still give them major doubts.

This game: Letdown.