I dont know why no one likes this game.GEEZ!!

User Rating: 7.4 | Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam WII
This game should not be hated I like it I think that it is fine there is nothing wrong with this game all you have to do is get use to the controls.

Tony Hawk's DHJ is fun and decent for your Wii. It is hard not to like it sometimes. The graphics are not next gen and the A i can be tough a bit so eventually it gets addictive but the sound is okay though sometimes it is fun to watch the begining interviews with the skaters in the game like Tony Hawk and Crash. The game doesnt take that long to get good at either, you go through the totorials in the begining and learn. The way you hold the Wii mote is also new. You hold it sideways without the nunchuck.

If you really are not sure about buying it just try it and rent it if you have to.