While Downhill Jam is an enjoyable multiplayer racer, it's flaws makes the single-player almost impossible to play...

User Rating: 6.5 | Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam WII
While I enjoyed playing Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam's multiplayer with friends, I hated single-player. Read why....

Well the story is that you play as Tony or other pros as you race down a hill. Yep, that's it....

The multiplayer is fun, but I'm sad that it didn't have online modes (on the DS version it does.)
So when my friends are away, I played single-player. So when I raced down against Rodney Mullen or Mike Valley, I had to do goals before the 1 minute timer went out. Oh, and the hill is endless, until the timer runs out. So while I'm racing down and all I see is street, then the timer runs out and I'm on a dock or some other unbelievable thing. So back to the goals, I mostly had to grind on a wire that would shoot me over some buildings, which made the race a whole lot easier. Then I would unlock some overpowered skater that had way more speed than in the race. I told my friends and said that was crap. The control scheme was impossible to get, while racing was easy, jumping and grinding was a waste of time as I had to restart about ten times just to get on that rail or wire.

Well graphics on the Wii are usually bad. So when I was moving, there was a wind sound, but no speed meter or something that tells me I'm moving so I thought it was a dumb glitch. Then the frame rate slowed down, and so it was like a claymation rather than a game.

So if you get this game, get it for parties or family game nights, because you would have a bad time while playing single-player