C'Mon Peoples...This Game Kicks Arse. The Best in the Series so far, albiet with a few glitches.

User Rating: 8 | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland XBOX
C'Mon Peoples...This Game Kicks Arse. The Best in the Series so far, albiet with a few glitches.

Yes the Story-Mode could've had a lot more spit and polish by the developers in-house game tweakers, and maybe more substance and depth to the characters and the storyline. BUT, in my meek and meagre opinion it was an excellent start to what hopefully will be the 1st in a series of THPS with a storyline.

The few beeyatches I do have about it are eenie teency ones. Kinda. Sometimes you can get stuck in the middle of a ramp and you can't do jack about it, or the whole friggin' frame freezes, you lose any progress and it's time for a off 'n on again on the console.

They SHOULDA had an option so the ChickyBoomBaLinas' out there that like to thrash the streets and ramps as well their male counterparts do, can play as a female character in story-mode. 4 rank-arse, non-customisable male clones. WTF? 3 white knuckleheads and 1 black dude being the "Token Minority"? C'Mon Man, I'm a white knucklehead and these fools didn't cut wit' me.

C'Mon HawkMan, you got a wife and kids right? You KNOW there are some Awesome Skater Chicks out there carvin' shiiite up so...Wasssup wit' dat??? You broke? You had no input into this game? You didn't insist on players having the option of being a female lead? It only cuts out half the worlds population yes? Sorry? Did I useda to have an ex-girlie that I still love deep down, that used to S*M*O*K*E the SkateRats here in Melbourne, Australia, then gave 'em a middle finger salute as she left 'em 'O' mouthed???

Nah, not me.

Peace All & here's hopin' the next one (if there is a next one) they will have ironed out some of the wrinkly gameplay and ideals.

Sam C of ParkSide 5-2 Killers, BRIBE CW Kings, KOKANE Head CW, TRAGIK 237 RCF. RIP TwoKan, Akwer and Ten. Still Bombin' in the Underworld. We Know It Lads.