The Legend continues...

User Rating: 8.5 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PC
this is the the sequel to legend.the conclusion of lara's adventures from tomb raider legend.
this game looks like the very end of the tomb raider has everything,especially graphics.the end of the game is quite this game lara's mansion will be no more,natla will finally die,lara will discover that her mother in avalon is dead,allister will die & so on.everything comes togheter in this last tomb raider title.
the game has a genious structure.the first part consisting of the first 10 levels,is graphically amazing making you admire the game but also gets you bored.the levels are quite short & there are not so many things to do...while the second part of the game,levels 11-20,are leaving the graphics behind & focusing on the puzzles,traps, becomes even more frustrating because the whole game has a dificult gameplay-the camera,the moves,some glitches & that lara's manor is no more keep underworld from beeing a masterpiece.honestly,this game has the best graphics i ever saw in my life.remnants is the level with the most amazings graphics in the game.
my favourite level is not the remnants,but xibalba-the level where both the graphics & gameplay(traps,puzzles etc)meet's the most rich level of the are in the jungle,rainforest whatever & you have to open a gate to underground by completing 2 complex mechanisms gathering some pieces from the is raining & thundering(if this word exists), the vegetation is luxurious & there are narrow paths creating an claustrofobic feel that you'll like.
lara has new moves & gadgets.she can creat a sonar map on her pda.she has sticky-grenades that never fail to kill the enemy.she can also kick objects or enemies with her feet,legs.the inventory is restrained-no more endless backpacks or she can carry only 4 weapons,just like in tomb raider 1.
first time i played the game i had great dificulties regarding the gameplay.that camera pissed me of but i had to get used to.also,the glitches,bugs,errors of the game.i'm kinda glad that i'm through with the's a paradox-the old tomb raider's have a nicer gameplay.perhaps,cristal dynamics didn't fully revived the series-too bad!
in legend,lara finished the game asking amanda where is her mother.she said in in underworld she goes there.only norse & thai mithology in this more lots of environments & places to travel,no more globetrotting.just to avalon "check" on her mother,lol!& when she arrives there,after a more than exhausting trip,she finds out that her mother turned into a norse zombie & that she had to kill her...very sad.but...lara,with the unexpected help from amanda,will finally put an end to the queen of atlantis-natla,the one from the very first game from 1996,that wanted to also conquer atlantis.when the game finishes,lara is homeless & the funs are hunged up in the air.natla dead,the manor destroyed by the doppelganger,allister killed by the doppelganger,laras mother dead etc.could this be the very end of the series?what if eidos,crystal dynamics will announce that it's over?lara has retired?personally...i'd wish that.everything must have an end,it can't continue on & on like other franchises like zelda,final fantasy etc.they must know when to stop.or what's next?lara on the search for yeti & dracula?that would be ridiculous,or the remake of tr2?that would be lara?lara in super smash brawl.lara in tomb raider kart?"there's enouh comedy"-verner von croy.i've seen all the adventures possible,all the cliches & remakes possible,there's absolutelly nothing left to do-seriously!or they are so hungry after the money?i think so!
if a new tr game will appear,i'll not play it.we have the example here-underworld.fantastic graphics & puzzles but it has a low replay value,or even none.the next one will be even more "empty" in the test of time.i'm so sad that the technological evolution brought the end decide what!