In its core a great action game that is marred by a significant number of flaws that takes out a lot of the fun.

User Rating: 7 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PC
I never fell into the whole Tomb Raider craze back when it started in 1996. Probably because my interest in voluptuous women with big guns (hah! a pun!) hadn't exactly bloomed at the age of 6, but what do I know?

Anyway, I bought this game cheaply on a Steam sale and thought I would see what the hype was all about. And I am a bit disappointed. The game has a decent number of things going for it, mainly the great-looking environments, the mostly excellent level design, fun puzzles and of course Lara's creamy thighs.

These things alone could have made this at least an 8, but unfortunately a large number of flaws drag it down. First and foremost, the camera. This thing has the tendency to get an epileptic attack in small spaces, which makes you feel seasick until you get out of there. Luckily this doesn't happen too often. However, it also does not allow you to rotate it 360 degrees when hanging of a ledge, which means you cannot see what's behind you. More than one time have I jumped backwards blindly to my death just because I couldn't see where I was going.

And here is the next problem: jumping. It can be really inconsistent, and sometimes Lara decides to go her own merry way, which is usually 50 feet straight down to a gruesome death. You can miss ledges you thought you were going to jump to, because the camera was too much to the right for instance. The direction of your actions depends on where the camera is, as opposed to where Lara's really facing. Rather annoying.

Then there are glitches, a huge amount of clipping issues, a couple of bugs, poor directions which can make you completely lost (yay, walkthroughs, yay!) and overall really poor enemy AI. The controls are also rather unresponsive which might make you fall to your death a lot when running and attempting to jump somewhere.

Oh, and the shooting is completely auto-aim, just hold the RB and press the LB to kill stuff and jump around a little to avoid getting hit, that's the combat system.

Buuut... the game is still worth playing, believe it or not, especially if you like platformers like Prince of Persia or Mirror's Edge. For people already fans of Lara, this game should not disappoint, for newbies like me, it can be rather frustrating. Still, if you can find it for cheap somewhere, give it a try. It could very well be worth it.