ok let me get it straight to you. this is game is WAY underrated.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PC

ok let me get it straight to you. this is game is underrated. all i see is low scores like 6 or 7 even 3! it certainly worth a LOT more.
lets get to point
Graphics : i am amazed at the visuals of this game, just look at lara herself. she looks amazing, her motion feels like real. water must be real, at some point i thought my room was going to get flooded. jungles seem so realistic just wait and see. beleive me. and all these graphics without heavy reqs. i have 1600x1050 ress AAx4 anisitropicx16 full shadowa. ( my card is nvidia 9600gt)

Audio: the music is rather epic, really , it gets chilling.. effects are stunning . you can hear birds, water flowing , objects while burning the sound just gets the experience to whole new level

Gameplay: people accuse this game of beeing easy. well it is but come on! its a tomb raider, it is supposed to be fun and not to get stuck. how can u get stuck in a game like this? it would be stupid. the action must flow or else its not fun. puzzles are not hard, you basically pick up objects and place them mindlessly but you will often wonder where to go and how to get there. thats the point of the game. think where to go , how to go , and press t for the camera.

i wonder how people get annoyed by the camera... whats the rush? just ADJUST it! i NEVER had a problem with the camera. or i NEVER got stuck in corners...
anyway this game is very underrated. i found very fun to play and thats how games shoukd be: fun.
well done eidos and crystal dynamics!!