TR The Last Relevation Is A Reflection of Lara's Past Made In A Good way i think,,but clumsy controls

User Rating: 8 | Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation PC
The Good --

- Story (Lara As Young) =)

- Levels=)

- Design

_ Atmoshere

- Unique Puzzles

The Bad _ - The Controls Can Be Clumsy

- Can be Too Hard At Times

- u can be stuck in the graphics,,sometimes it gets weird..other than that good

8.0 / 10

"Bryce: My ignorance amuses me... My ignorance amuses me?
Lara Croft: Yes well I've always found your ignorance quite amusing.


"Lara Croft: It's a clock... It's ticking.
Bryce: Oh... one of those ticking clocks, eh?




Alex West: I suppose you think I'm a greedy, unscrupulous sell-out who'll do just about anything for money?
Lara Croft: Yes. That's right.
Alex West: [Shrugs] Well, the money bit's true I guess.
Lara Croft: Is it, Alex? If you cross me, we may not be able to remain friends.