This Game Is Great!

User Rating: 8 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell PS2
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Platforms Available: Ps2,X-box,Gamecube

PLatform Played On:PS2

Concept:You are Sam Fisher a long dormant CIA agent,THE NSA reactivates you for A mission,You must sneak around and steath kill people,pick locks,and rescue hostages all while gathering intelligence for the CIA.

Storyline:Sam Fisher is called on duty by the NSA to do what he does best,The fate of the world may very well lay in his hands,He must take whatever measures he can to gather information and ruscue his fellow agents,If caught the CIA and the NSA will deny his existence and all traces of him will be erased.

Graphics:Great for the time,Even for todays standards the graphics are solid enough to stand the test of time,If you want a pretty game this is the game for you.The graphics lack a little on the PS2 front but I found I could look past that minor setback.

Sound:The sounds are not that great,Then agian they are few and far between,All the better I guess as there isn't much to be heard except for cracking class and small footsteps.We get more into that during the next section.P.S. the sounds aren't bad either I think they were fine and they actually got the job done but as this is a stealth game I gave the sound a little break.

Control:Control huh?How do I put it?This game has great controls they really help the feel that you are sneaking around when you have to hold down the left analog stick lightly.The harder you press the left analog stick the faster and louder your footsteps become.Also hitting the circle button to crouch down helps things too.The lock picking has to be my favorite part it is fun and yet not complex.You rotate the right analog stick slowly until you see the little gold thing move and just hold it into place until it clicks.Rinse and repeat for each gold thing until the door is lock picked and proceed.

Gameplay:Gameplay in this game is fun.You don't run in like rambo and shoot everything in sight.At that you hardly shoot anything,You just stick to the shadows most all the time.Y sneak past enemies and spy cameras with this technique as well as attack them this way.You wont see to many bullets flying in this gamer but it is still fun and just flat out amazing.

My Opinion:This game is great.It is up there on a very small list of games I will forever love and probably play over and over even after beating it.

Final Score:8/10

Extra Notes:Get This Game it is great.