User Rating: 8.6 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow PC
Here's the deal. I guess I'm the only one that think UBI still can't make a multiplayer game worth #@$%. Here's the bad stuff first. The online play is hindered with technical difficulties and thrown together menus. It seems like they had one person take about 15 minutes and finish the menus. I still can't find out where to turn on Punkbuster even though almost all the servers require it enabled to play. The idea for the online play is amazing. I've been waiting for a new idea like this forever. All games turn into jumping shooters. Not this one. It is very streamline and tense. (If you can actually get into an online game.) The "quick game" option is good, if it were to actually work. It pulls up games that are full... even when the "full" filter is on. The single player is a great extension of the first game. It's Sam doing what Sam does in a story that only Sam could be in. The lush jungles part to make way for your character and the buzz of the halogen lights makes you feel right at home. All in all it's a good game and a good buy. I still will say... UBI can not make a multiplayer game worth anything. They should have contracted that part out because, like Raven Shield, it's loaded with problems. (I haven't played Raven Shield in awhile, but I heard the ladder bug and gernade bug are still plaguing battlefields. If you've played the game you know both bugs have been out since the demo version. ) Happy hunting. Get a LAN buddy and you'll be all set. ^^