The best, and most challenging, game in the entire Splinter Cell series.

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow PS2
First things first. This game is hard. The original game feels like a walk in the park compared to some of the missions on this. Also, Splinter Cell:Pandora Tomorrow features THE hardest mission in any Splinter Cell game to date, in the form of LAX. Strangely enough though, that's where the appeal comes from. It's a long, difficult game that by far fulfills the £40 price margin. This outing will see Sam Fisher hang onto the side of a speeding train, break into an embassy, kidnap a guerilla terrorist, infiltrate a jungle base, and carry out an assassination in one of the world's leading airports. Also, moves like the split jump, which were available in the original, but had little opportunity to actually be used are back, and this time, you can actually use them! The lockpicking minigame is back, which is surprisingly fun, and it's no surprise that they haven't changed it. Unfortunately, it hasnt aged quite as well as it's predessecor, but that aside, it's a fantastic game for any fan of the stealth genre.