This game could and should be so much more

User Rating: 8.3 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory XBOX
This game isn’t perfect. It looks amazing sure, the audio is top notch, and it controls are great. The A.I. is great too. Perhaps, a little too great. Something that some games have a hard time with. Let me explain, Sometimes if you shoot an enemy, if you don’t hit him just right, he automatically knows where your at, and shoots you perfectly. Which makes total sense, because EVERYONE can just see in the dark all of a sudden. Can I shoot his arm to disable his weapon? Hell no. Shoot his leg, and slow him down? Don’t think so. Kill him quick so he can’t call for backup? Not really, if he sees you, for some reason, everyone is on alert! Oh yeah, way to go, that hasn’t been done since MGS1. Which, I’m sorry for the comparison, but it’s only obvious. I know the MGS sentries aren’t rocket scientists. BUT there are rules, and regulations within that game world to make their A.I. fun to harass. This games driving point is its atmosphere (which is amazing) but shooting is not fun at all. Enemies don’t bleed (isn’t this game M rated?) they cant limp around, and they’re psychic. Good job Ubisoft.
The best part of the package?
Multiplayer. It rules. Especially when your playing against people you know with even skill levels. Amazing fun is to be had here. And I still can’t get enough of it. If you’re an Xbox live freak, this is for you. If you’re a MGS freak, just wait for subsistence.