Blending the PC and Console experience.

User Rating: 8.3 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown XBOX
Its funny how so many people say this is the worst Rainbow Six ever but many only have the extent of their experience with the console versions. I consider the real veterans to be those who have played all the PC versions (yes there were ones before Raven Shield too) and all the console versions inluding the one on the Playstion one and Dreamcast. For the record, the Playstation one version was probably the worst although it did stay more true to the PC versions than any console versions after it. When Raven Shield hit the current console generation I have to admit I was taken aback by how streamlined they made the game. Gone was the option for any tactical planning, multiple teams and non-linear gameplay. It seemed that Red Storm had a very different impression of what PC gamers like and what console gamers like. The console versions were much more focused on scripted events, so linear you could close your eyes and not get losst and a more intergrated story. I was just about to toss it aside when I realized that it was a fun ride and the AI team-mates actually were better than the PC versions (GASP!). The multi-player could not stand up to its PC brethren but compared to what else was out on the consoles it sure did shine and gave people an alternative to SOCOM's third person action. So, I learned to respect the console version for what it was when I looked at the game on its own terms. However, Lockdown looks like it tried a little more to merge PC and Console aspects together and the combination has its ups and downs. I am still mad for Lockdown not yet being released on PC but Red Storm did give us a free expansion so I cannot be that mad. The singleplayer maps have been opened up a lot more making this affair to have the appearance of being non-linear even though it still pretty much is which is a nod to good level design. Tangos have lots more places and vantage points to hide but their positions are pretty much the same whenever you run through the singleplayer game which random placement in the PC versions always made each level feel fresh. The action in each level is still as intense as the consoles ones but the AI of your team-mates has not improved and in fact may have even worsened. There are more command options such as ramming doors and scouting so it does have a much more tactical on the fly appeal which helps ease the pain of those missing tactical planning from the previous PC titles. The story is has more cinematics than probably all the PC titles did combined which does help things more dramatic and purposeful. Lockdown could have done well to borrow from Brothers in Arms or Full Spectrum Warrior by allowing you to give more direct control of the position and stance of your team. Instead, you basically point to the broadside of a barn and hope your team makes the best of the situation which more often now they do not unlike before. Firefights between tangos and your teams seem to be drawn out much more than needed even in small rooms where even a riccocheting bullet eventually should take someone out. I have to say the team AI was the biggest disappointment I felt in the singleplayer game other than the newly implemented "elusive sniper" aspect that the developers seem to be bragging about. Never brag about something before its perfected is a motto that would be well remembered here. I give kudos for the effort that Red Storm made in trying to bring the art of sniping into the single player experience but the effort falls short. Basically, in some levels, you help the ground team from a distance by helping clear the field by sniping from a rooftop, helicopter, etc. Once completed you resume control of said ground to team to finish the mission. Sound idea but as soon as you realize you are a sniper that cannot go prone you know there is a problem. The whole sniper experience feels like it was rushed and if this is a key feature you are advertising you beter be sure it sings. The multiplayer is where the main draw of Rainbow Six has been for both PC and Console fans and this time they have hit a conceptual home run. Similar to Battlefield 2 on PC but with much more depth, Lockdown allows you to have a persistent online persona in which you can customize the look, skill and class. This mode is as much as an RPG as it is a FPS but without having to run around with elves and dwarves. You pick a class of medic, spec ops, commando or engineer with each having their own skills, weapons and armor available. As you play online, you gain experience points to "level up" to enhance attributes such as accuracy, damage and reload as well as class specific skills. You also earn credits to buy new items that become available at different levels as well as replenish and repair. The depth of this is unbelievable. One drawback is that you can only maintain one online profile thereby being stuck always playing a specific class. If you change you will lose the points that went towards your skills but at least not your level. Unfortunately, as many PC gamers are aware, sometimes online games when they are doing something revolutionary there can often be lots of bugs. Lockdown is almost lockdowned by all of its bugs. There are game crashes, off and on lag problems and some really serious bugs with certain classes not being able to replenish some of the supplies that are critical to their class. Example, Medics cannot replenish the med kit after using it overtime thereby becoming useless as a healer. This is not just for that round but for future rounds as well. Updates have already been popping up since day one so things sh9ould be under control soon and this is one game where its worth playing through the bugs until they are fixed. In conclusion, it seems Rainbow Six is going through an evoluition which hopefully it will come out as a butterfly and not a locust. Even if you cannot stand the singleplayer game it would be hard to not enjoy the new multiplayer PEC mode even with its bugs. Also, Red Storm and Ubisoft are great at listening to input from their customers to build better future games so if you like or dont like something be sure to get on their mailing list and get active on their message boards.