Are you kidding me?????????????

User Rating: 5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown XBOX
I am confused. I thought games were supposed to get more advanced as a series continues.......... Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Burnout - all have advanced with each addition in some way. It's almost as if Lockdown was made as the first Rainbow Six console game, then the other two because it is pretty sad. First off, it is so obvious that this game was also made for the PS2. The graphics are horrendous. The character models (in game) all have seizures as they move from one location to another. There are hiccups throughout the game that are just not excusable. During the first mission, I ordered my team to Breach and Clear an area and one of my team members threw the grenade, it somehow managed to take out one of my other team members. Just to make sure that I was not being too harsh on this game, I popped in the first Rainbow Six that came out just for the XBOX (in 2003) and the game looks, plays and sounds amazing. Popped this one back in and I could not believe how ugly it was and how horribly it played. I am not sure what happened with this game, but I cannot possibly bring myself to play it anymore. It's just an embarrasement to the series and to the Tom Clancy games.