Probably make it a rental before trial. Is good but not like the old RS games.

User Rating: 8.2 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown XBOX
Alright the moment you have all been waiting for.... Muf's review. Normally we give you a one word adjective at the start, but I am going to wait and do it at the end cause I want you to understand why I say what I will say. Also this reveiw is on the online side not the single player campaign as I haven't played it yet, because most of us are just going to play it for the online component anyways. Gameplay: First off you need to pretty much forget what RS is. This isn't RS anymore yet it still kind of is. Confused, well so was I. Maybe the part that isn't is RS anymore is that I have played too much Halo2 or maybe its the subtle changes that they have made to the game that have changed it. I can't really figure out what it is but the overall feel of the game is different this time, and I would probably say it is because of multiple things not just one thing. First they changed the control scheme, there is suppose to be an option where you can have your old scheme back but I didn't try it out because I have heard some complaints about a bug in the other control schemes. But they have simplified the controls and it is just like the demo that you may or may not have played. The controls are still pretty responsive, but I will say that the guns are alittle slower firing. By this I mean that if you pop the trigger it has alittle more give. Before you pop the trigger and you might get 2 to 3 shots off, now if you pop the trigger you only get on shot off, and it has a pretty heavy dead zone for that. I don't know if this is something that will change with your PEC as you get more experience. And other thing to note is the analog stick clicks are very very sensitive now, which I had a problem with it in the previous iterations, but its worse here, trying to shoot someone, get excited and zoom in and out, in and out. Very hard to frag someone like that. The online side I have read is using the GR2 Net Code. Which in my opinion sucks, not very much lag, but alot of random drop outs and voice issues. Well those were rampant here too. I got dropped out of a couple of games, and apparently those issues will not ever get fixed because they never got fixed from the original Ghost Recon 2. Also I couldn't hear a friend pretty much all night unless I was the host, and since my connection sucks, well I wasn't the host, so that was really hard. Also on the voice, uhmm.... not sure whos bright idea this was but after your killed you can still talk to your live teammates. Keeps things from being so boring for the people that die, but not very fair as a friend was able to help me out. Also for some reason when you enter a game that is already started you can't talk to the other people waiting in the lobby until the current match ends. Very very strange. PEC Mode.... well I don't know what to think about this yet. I think its a cool gimick. But I think we will see in practice that as people get higher up you are going to have a hard time playing with them if you still a low man on the totem pole. Eventually you get body armor, and so the guys that are new or still low levels are pretty much useless against them. And their is no way to tell what level of players are in the room that you are searching for in optimatch. This sucks cause you could accidently happen on a room with lvl 10-20 players and they will welcome you in cause you are good for thier stats. Other than that its pretty cool I like the idea and adds a new dynamic to gameplay, just only time will tell how well they implemented it. Also cheating can begin because you can have someone just boost your lvl. No admitted their level will suffer because of it, but the other person will soar. But the player types on their base level seem pretty balanced and even overall. Graphics Again this is only the online side, But was I playing on a PS2 last night. I am sorry but the graphics are crap. I thought they were suppose to be using something like the Ghost Recon engine, but shoot this looks worse that the other rainbows did. Now I will say that its very colorful, but main the graphics are not that good at all. Very surprising. Sound Well I don't know how the sound is although that damn chick is too damn loud in your headset when she tells you "5 mins remaining in the match." Other than that I would assume it should be okay. Overall As much as this game is delayed, I will have to say that I am shocked their is not more polish on this game, and man they jacked with alot of crap. Now I will say this game is not bad, just could of been better, but I guess they had to make a stopping point because of the 360. Now what part of the games we played last night for the most part was really fun, and I got headshotted many times which sucks, and you can't spray and pray in this game you have to be really accurate, especially when your level is low. I think this game would really be good if we could get a lot of us on it and playing, but the chances of that are really slim. Overall I think it will be fun but to recommend to others I would just say rent it, and if you still like it buy it. If you already bought it and it hasn't come in yet, well enjoy it and use it for trade value on the 360. Gameplay 8 Graphics 7 Sound 8 Online 8 -------------- Total 8.3