Overall, it's a great game. Innovative cover, amazing class abilities, and emphasis on teamwork make this game awesome.

User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online PC
I'm going to give an overview of the mechanics, and then grade it afterwards.

A) Camera Position
It is classified as a "third-person shooter," and while running around and hip-firing or using cover, the camera hovers behind the character, but while aiming down sights (ADS), it goes into a first person perspective to give the player better aim, which is a feature not found in

B) Classes

There are three classes in this game: Recon, Specialist, and Assault. Each class has it's own niche.

B.1) Class Weapons
Each class has its own distinct weapons loadouts, with the exception of the Shotgun. The Recon has the use of either a Sniper Rifle (SR) or a Sub-Machine Gun (SMG). Specialists can use a Light-Machine Gun (LMG) or a Shotgun. Assaults can use the Assault Rifle (AR) or a Shotgun. Each gun has a role to play, and generally, no gun is more powerful than the other.

B.2) Class Abilities
Each class has its own distinct special ability. The Recon can use a radar-like ability called the "Oracle," which detects and illuminates the silhouettes of enemies, even through walls. He can also use the "Cloak," which renders him nearly invisible, making infiltrating enemy lines a snap. The Specialist can use an "Aegis:" a nearly impenetrable temporary force field bubble that protects from bullets (but not grenade explosions) and covers a wide area so teammates can push with you. He can also use the "Blackout," which fries enemy electronics, rendering them blind for a few moments and resetting their ability charges to zero. The Assault has the use of the "Blitz", which knocks down enemies for a while, rendering them susceptible to attack, or the "HEAT," which is an AoE attack that prevents enemies from firing and damages them when exposed.

C) Cover
The cover system in this game works almost flawlessly. Using cover rewards the player with added accuracy and stability and decreased ready time for your gun. Sure, there are a few glitches, but it is Beta, after all, and you can use cover pretty much anywhere, which makes for some interesting battles.

D)Gun Balance
Let me remind you, it is still in Open Beta, so they are still tweaking certain mechanics, but for the most part, guns are pretty evenly balanced. Higher tiered guns have better stats, obviously, but they are generally harder to control. Each gun is better at some things and worse at others; a feature not found in many modern shooters today.

E)Gun Roles
Each gun in Ghost Recon Online has a specific role. SRs are long range weapons that do massive damage, but have long ready times and cannot fire quickly, making them very bad at close range combat. The SMG has low ready time, high Rate of Fire, and low damage, making them the ideal weapon for infiltrating and destroying the enemy team from behind. LMGs are high damage, mediocre Rate of Fire, and low control weapons that work excellently at locking down important hallways and suppressing enemies, while being below average at close quarters combat. ARs have average damage and Rate of Fire and somewhat quick ready time, which means that they are good for just about any job from close to medium ranges. Shotguns have the lowest ready time, making them the kings of running and gunning, but are not good for medium-long ranges.

There are two kinds of currency in Ghost Recon Online: Requisition Points (RP), or Ghost Coins (GC). RP is the main currency and is earned through battles, requiring no real money to gain. GC is the micro-transaction currency of the game, but there are few things that can be bought with GC that cannot also be bought with RP. Any weapon can be bought with both GC and RP, as well as any armor. The only things that can be bought solely with GC are XP/RP boosts, which give a 25/50% gain to XP/RP, or various headgears, which are solely cosmetic and have no impact in-game whatsoever.

A)Camera Position: 9
It is a very innovative system, but it does have its share of glitches.
B)Classes: 10
Each class is revolutionizing in it's play style, and no two classes are alike.
C)Cover: 9
Cover is very useful and is extremely emphasized in this game, although having to press a button to get out of cover can be annoying.
D)Gun Balance: 9
The guns, for the most part, are balanced, but higher level guns are generally much better than lower level guns.
E)Gun Roles: 9
Most of the guns have their own specific roles, but some guns are a little too good at everything.
F)Economy: 11 :D
The fact that they made everything buyable with free currency as well as with paid currency steers this game away from the Pay-to-Win label that so many "free" games these days are adopting.

Average Score: 9.5