Horrible bugs, technical issues, awful graphics

User Rating: 5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier PC
I was really looking forward to a tactical shooter that could at least be on par with Rainbow 6 with a mix of Splinter Cell Conviction. This game is not even close.

First of all, I had so many issues that I was fighting for a refund. They weren't going to give it to me. Ubisoft really dropped the ball on this, and I don't know why they bothered making a PC version if they weren't going to at least try and make something worthy of being on PC. This is a straight up console port. The graphics aren't complete garbage, but they're nowhere near the level they should be. They aren't even up to par with last generation. In fact, the issues with the game are so bad that if you have a high end video card, like mine WAS, you'll have to downclock it. I have a GTX 570, and I had to downclock to 700 Core, 1800mhz memory, and 1400mhz shaders. This card is several years old... without downclocking the game crashes and freezes constantly. That's if you can even get it to start up. Next, my preorder was supposed to net me some additional content. I don't have that content. It seems they aren't going to give it to me, so pre-ordering was a waste of time.

Some loading times are way too long, I'm talking 5-10 minutes after certain missions are completed. It's terrible! If you're thinking of multiplayer, don't even bother. They didn't add dedicated servers so you'll be lucky to get into any kind of game most of the time. You'll sit in matchmaking for hours, or eternity... sometimes you'll get in a game and someone will just leave and you'll be left in loading limbo forever. Not that the framerates are any good, so playing multiplayer is horrible anyway.

Good luck getting this game to run.

Anyway, after all is said and you get it going...

The story is all over the place. It has absolutely no emotion or feeling. You're never in a tough situation even on Veteran. You don't really know what's going on, and most of the time you're just following waypoints and being told what to do. There is no players way in this game. It's all following a linear path and doing what your told. I guess like it would be if your were really part of the military, but you don't get to do anything fun really. It's just mindless target people and let your teammates do the work. The only really neat thing is when you're escorting a hostage and you pull out a pistol and scripted events happen. It's odd how this guy can drop enemies with a pistol no problem, but aiming long distance while sneaking around is a huge chore and has a high chance of missing. Really bad.

The gameplay framerates are awful, so it doesn't help aiming, unless you don't mind playing on low settings. It doesn't matter how amazing your machine is because it just doesn't run well period. So, forget shooting long distances. Just get close and shoot them. It's not like you are ever in trouble at all, your team mates do most of the work cause the game runs so bad you'll be moving most of the time.

Another problem is that AI is boring and most teammates try to shoot through cars and walls, even with all their equipment they still shoot at cars and walls. The enemies run out in the open and rarely take cover, so there is never an interesting or intense firefight. It's just a run and gun, from the first waypoint to the last.

The acting is top notch, surprisingly. I'm guessing they spent most of their money on actors and advertising. But the story is a chaotic mess, you never really know why you're doing anything, you're just doing it and scripted things happen and that's all you really know. But it doesn't matter because you just go where it tells you to and click the mouse.

There is no excitement in this game, there are no heated moments or build up. In missions where you have to stealth kill, the enemies take forever to notice you, but can see their pals die from amazing peripheral vision. So there is no fun in it, you have to do exactly what the game says. It's very boring.

This game has a nice concept to it, but it wasn't executed well at all. You're just going to run through it unlike any other tactical shooter you've ever played. No strategy, no intensity, no fun.

Complete waste of 60$ Don't bother with this title.