Did not put this down until I beat it, lots and lots of fun

User Rating: 9.3 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 XBOX
I loved the first Ghost Recon so I was excited when I rented this one. When the game starts, you notice the beautiful graphics and the complex thought that has to go in to complete a mission successfully. There are twelve mission which is a lot for a Tom Clancy game. I also liked how they told the story on a History Channel type interview with the ghosts. I also enjoyed the new third person veiw, and being able to switch to first person on the fly just added to the excitment. If you are a veteran ghost recon fan than this game is super easy I beat it in the rental period and even that was at a casual pace. There is X-Box Live but the only fun thing about the first one was the ability to play co-op on the internet, and its the same here. Onto the teamwork part of the game. This is probablly the worst part of this game, because teamwork, although it is available, is completely useless because if you keep your team together everything should be fine. One of the things that was a problem in the first is still here and that is that your teamates, can see everyone and sometimes you can't see squat, this isn't so much of a problem in the first six levels as it is in the last six which have more night missions and forest mission. This makes the lone wolf missions kind of hard. The first half of this game you will be bagging for more, but them towards the end six mission you wish you would have asked for more, because its gets so dang repetative. There is this one mission where you have to defend a medic camp, and it goes on forever all you do is shoot. I never thought that shooting would get old, but it did then. Pros: -graphics -controls well -being able to switch from third to first person makes it exciting -firt six levels really shine -veterans will have a blast Cons: -short (beatable in a 5-Day rental) -teamates are too smart -last six missions are repetative Overall: This is a solid sequal to the hit Ghost Recon game, and I loved it. Although it got repetative towards the end, this is still a solid rental.