What a bonus! Tons of maps, modes of gameplay, and missions to keep everyone busy until the Advanced Warfighter release.

User Rating: 8.9 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike XBOX
If you liked Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 where you chased down the crazed North Korean general, then you will most definitely enjoy Summit Strike. After finishing Ghost Recon 2 I wanted more! Well, UBISOFT, thankfully already had me in mind. Summit Strike transitions nicely into more duty for the Ghosts. It seems that the world will always be plagued with crazed people wanting to fulfill selfish goals. Thank goodness for the ghosts and the cool stuff they have to take these guys out in Summit Strike. Very robust features in the multiplayer department. Local play and Live play offer tons of modes to keep you busy with your friends and in my case my nephew enjoys helping me in co-op mode to blow away waves of bad dudes speaking a scary language as they die from our silencer sniper rifle with subsonic ammunition. This addition should keep us busy with all of the various missions and multiplayer modes until the next installment comes out.