Tokobot isn't the best platformer in town but it's still a great buy.

User Rating: 8.1 | Karakuri PSP
At first glance, Tokobot looks like a game that's for little kids. Although little kids will love it, teens and adults will adore this (unless you like bloody games like Resident Evil).

Gameplay -
Imagine, your a 14 year old kid named Bolt going to amazing ruins to get information for a laboratory. Well that's what you do in the game. You and your growing amount of tiny robots named Tokobots, will embark on an adventure to find where Tokobots came from and what they can do. This game gets you operating cranes, fighting bad guys and finding secret objects. With tons of things to do and a time trail mode at the end, Tokobot is a whole lot of fun.

Graphics -
The graphics are probably what you expect from a handheld with 3D power. It's great graphics, but it does have some flaws. It sometime looks too boxy or weird but the Tokobots and the environments look great. The disappointing thing is that there are no cutscenes (because its text-scrolling).

Sound -
The sound can get annoying at times. The music is cool but the Tokobots just sound weird when the go onto a magnet. They make an annoying "Heh" or "Hah" sound. It gets so annoying. There is not (surprisingly) voice overs. It's all text scrolling which can get to be a pain to read everything.

Value -
The game is fairly easy and you can probably go through it quick but at the end you get a time trail mode. I don't know what it is though ('cause I haven't finished the game) but can someone tell me. I want to know!!!

Tilt -
I had a whole lot of fun playing Tokobot but I may have a problem recommending it to someone. It is really good but it's too quick and easy.