Orginality at it's best :)

User Rating: 8.7 | Karakuri PSP
Once again I am not going to go into too much depth writing this review b/c I am at work and don't want my boss to come in and see me not working :) I bought this game b/c it was basically the only title (among few) that was not a ps2 port. When I first started playing, it seemed like it would be kinda hard to figure out how to play b/c the TokoBots can be fused together in ways to help you advance to the next area or take out bad guys.
The premise to the story is pretty basic, it's kiddy like pokemon but it does have some appeal to it. You are a boy who discovered these tokobots and they only respond to you b/c (presumably) they saw you first. The game starts out pretty easy to get you into the swing of things, like how to joing the robots together and use them to platform with. This is where the game really shines, b/c there has never been anything like this before. You hold hands with your little friends and you can swing them over your head to bash enemies or latch on to magnetic strips that let you reach onto the next ledge. In another form you can spin around in circles knocking enemies around or just have them circle you so you don't lose any while your walking around.
Over all the game is kinda easy though, I have only died once but it's not overly easy where you'll just blast right thought the game's credits. The game does have it's antagonist but that's to really give the game an excuse to throw some bosses at you or hinder your progess further. An example would be that they locked the doors to you have to find a new way in. The boss battles are very fun though b/c (while not overly difficult) let you use your abilities to it's full potential. One more thing that the tokobots can do is shape shift into differ forms. LIke a crane or a giant robot that can swing a samurai sword. As long as you have the nuts or bolts which are collected throughout the level's you can shapeshift anytime. Some will not let you do this and can only be done if your on a platform that has a picture of what your supposed to turn into. This kind of hinders the experience b/c it would be nice if all the forms could be used for differ things and not just when they are needed. What I mean is, so many games say "you just gained this ability" and suprise surprise, guess what ability you need to unlock that door 10 ft in front of you? Or guess what ability you need to take out this one enemy.
All in all though it's about as fun as platforming can get, there is not much character development which sucks b/c the tokobots (IMO) are really cute little buggers and the main guy has a likeable zelda-esque quality about him. I hope to see a sequel with more depth, so as for me my fingers are crossed. As for you, if you have a psp go and buy it, it was actually pretty cheap too, I think 29.99 is what I paid for it.