best platformer for the PSP?

User Rating: 8.6 | Karakuri PSP
one word... yes

considering the options you have for a platformer on the PSP ToKoBots is your best bet...

Death Jr. was Ok but didnt really bring much to the table and almost failed as a platformer anyway.. Ape Escape was just....BLAH

so that leaves you with tokobots..

its fun and creative, you use your tokobots in different formations and they can do different things by joinging together, like forming a ladder or bridge.
a really fun concept and pretty nicely done, there are times that the little bots can be a pain, but the game features a nice call back button so you can hold it down and if any of your tokobots got lost they will kind of transport back to you, so you dont have to worry about them to much..

then once you get alittle into the game you find new ways to use them, the tokobots can transform into bigger robots and you can control them that way.. really well done..

here it is... we all know.. every portable platformer has this problem... the Camera... it can be a pain in the but, and may even cause a few deaths... its not the worst in a platformer Ive seen, but its not the best either... it can be tricky at times so be warned...

Graphics are really good.. not really to much to say about it...

Sound... not bad... not great..

the inventive gameplay is where the game shines... this game would just be another ape escape with out the tokobots, its a really uniqe title for the PSP...

it doesnt have much replay value so get the most out of it well you can....