Eh... too hard and somewhat bland gameplay make Toki not the best choice. Not horrible by any means, but not too good.

User Rating: 5.5 | JuJu Densetsu GEN
Toki: Going Ape Spit is a platform game for the good ol' Mega Drive / Genesis. I was never too thrilled with it; both now and back in the day. Though I don't feel it's particularly bad either. If you want a hard platform game, I'd imagine this one goes pretty cheap on line if you're thinking of trying it. I'll be honest I never finished it. The farest I ever got was world 8.

The story goes that Toki's girlfriend gets kidnapped and taken to some magical castle. A wizard appears and turns Toki into an ape. An ape with powered spit which can hurt enemies. And so he goes off to try and save her.

The gameplay is a standard platforming side scroller. The worlds have different themes. One is a jungle, one is in an icey cave, one is underwater and one is in a dark place where you have to use your spit abilities to light the way. Toki has two attacks. Jumping on enemies and his super spit power, which acts like a projectile attack. Throughout the levels you can pick up temporary upgrades. these include a flame thrower, triple projectile, bigger and stronger projectile etc. They are timed and will dissapear and you will regain your standard spit attack.

The game is platform based and there is a lot of jumping from place to place involved and climbing vines. I always, and still do, find the gameplay of Toki rather bland. Ontop of this, the game is also unfairly hard. One hit and you die. Enemies can fly at you from off screen and in certain situations, you won't have enough time to react. So the game is also hard, but in a way which feels cheap as opposed to a fair challenge. And I play it with the settings on easy and I still die unfairly.

Graphics are pretty standard. The backgrounds are nice looking. As for music. There are some pretty decent tunes floating around in the game. The underwater music is cool and so is the title screen music. But throughout all of the other levels you hear the same tune. It's not a bad tune, it is pretty funky, but a bit more variety would have been nice.

So Toki: Going Ape Spit is not my favourite game. For the soul fact that it is bland. The unfair cheap difficulty doesn't help either. The game is not bad per-se. But there are much better old platformers out there. If you are looking for a challenge, by all means look around for it online if you must.

- Milesprower2K9 original reviews