Fantastic Innovative Multiplayer

User Rating: 10 | Titanfall XONE

My experience with Titanfall has been absolutely phenomenal so far. Very few problems with the game, considering it is entirely online. It was a great new idea to create a game in which you play through the campaign through online multiplayer matches, because I would've jumped right into multiplayer without playing a story mode to begin with. Many people who buy games strictly for the story modes, Bioshock and Assassin's creed fans, will most likely not enjoy this game very much because the "campaign," is nothing more than some lousy intro cut-scenes, and difficult to follow dialogue with constantly trying to kill and not be killed. Other than the lame attempt to incorporate a campaign into this game, it is unbelievable. There could be a few more weapons, but the balance of weapons that are in this game are great. Leveling up is not as easy as it was in Call of Duty games because when you go to "Regenerate," there are challenges that you must complete to get to the next generation (Starting with Gen 2). I am currently 5th gen, trying to finish my ejecting pilot kills before the patch. I have 30 out of 50 to regen, and I have read that Respawn will be releasing a patch in the near future that will lower that requirement to 5 ejecting pilot kills. However, for those who did reach 50 ejecting pilot kills before the patch will be rewarded with a little something extra. It definitely adds a new skill aspect to the game with the regen requirements, and it definitely adds some depth to the multiplayer, by requiring that each player experiment with new weapons, titan models, and ways of playing essentially to level up, things that some individuals may not otherwise experience if they dislike a weapon or ordinance. Overall this is a fantastic game, and the only game that I have ever reviewed that I have felt compelled to give a 10/10. Two-thumbs up Respawn for making an innovative new multiplayer game with some skill added to the Regeneration system. Developers these days tend to make games way too easy. Yes, I understand it's a business and marketing, but two thumbs up to Titanfall (And Dark Souls II) for not falling into the same scheme as many other AAA developers in over-simplifying your game. Be sure to follow me on youtube: i9xN1K0LA1x9i and Twitch: Nvrankin to watch my livestreams and montages to come. Including a Charge Rifle montage that I should be uploading later this month, and a Kraber quick-scoping/no-scoping montage. Thanks for reading!