Timesplitters 2 changed a little bit making this series go up a little in my book but it’s still not that good.

User Rating: 5 | TimeSplitter: Jikuu no Shinryakusha PS2
Timespltter is back and with a story added on to it. The story is creative. But it’s all the same again. I really didn’t care for the missions. The gameplay all remains the same again. There’s nothing much better about this one from the first one. The graphics are improved a little bit but not a lot. The same guns are back there’s a few different guns added. There’s MP mode which isn’t too good. You can play with bots just like in the first one with more maps to offer but they all seem the same. This game just feels like they didn’t even try. This game really has a lot of potential but fails in a lot of spots. The price of this game can be found very cheap. The cheapest I found it for was $5.00. I guess it isn’t that bad if you’re very desperate for a new FPS. This game is fun for the first few missions’ creative good weapons. But after that it just seems like it becomes the same. The voice acting in this game in my opinion is some of the cheesiest I’ve ever heard. It’s very overacted compared to the animation. So if you’re a really big fan of the first Timesplitters this will just tickle you. But if you want the best of the best this is really not the game for you.