Timesplitters 2 is most definitely an under appreciated game and by far one of the best First Person Shooters out there.

User Rating: 9.5 | TimeSplitters 2 GC
Timesplitters 2 has a solid and comical story; the game takes you through various times in the past, present, and future which is pretty cool. You travel to the Notre Dame castle, gangstered-up Chicago and even 300 years in the future.You play as Cortez; however, you will be many characters throughout this little, interesting campaign. Although, in Timesplitters 2 the multiplayer is where the core of the game lies.

Timesplitters 2 offers one to four player split screen, and if you have enough players, it is a blast. You can customize almost everything, from the weapons and items to the music and game type. There are an array of gametypes; bag tag, death match, team death match, capture the bag, virus and many more. Timesplitters 2 has one of, if not the best multiplayer experience ever, on any system. Arcade League is also included; it is basically a bunch of challenges where you play against CPUs in order to complete objectives in a certain amount of time. The gameplay in Timesplitters 2 is absolutely awesome, the amount of gameplay modes will keep you busy for hours upon hours. It has fairly well done graphics with a unique art style that perfectly suits the comical mood of the game. Also included is the mapmaker mode, it is probably my favorite thing in Timesplitters 2 that I was totally not expecting to be any good. It works surprisingly well; you can basically make your own level, both multiplayer and story mode.

All in all, Timesplitters 2 is a great game, and anyone with a love for multiplayer games should give it a shot. It does exactly what it set out to do, it is funny and fun to play. It is a game that anyone with any system should pick up and have a great time with. Timesplitters 2 is a gem of a first person shooter that is practically flawless in every category.