The series update has some good additions but overall has anything really changed?

User Rating: 8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 X360
I love the custom charachter creation, using your real photo is prerry neat, altho it is not as good an image as Rainbow Six produced, at least once created you can tweak things, and because of the way it works you can also wear all clothing available, unlike RS.

As for gameplay not much has changed since 07, the putting feels better and the one chance putt preview is a welcome addition it at least adds a chance of missing, unlike in the 07 variant where you felt that you could finish the putt from any angle using tiger vision.

The variant on the HUD after shot whereby it gives you a measure of how extreme your error for your slice or hook is also very helpful to correct your swing when using the analogue method. I haven't tried much of the 3 click swing function yet.

The Tiger Challenges and Skills training are the best way to up your stats, but stats aren't everything, as i proved yesterday when beating a fully maxed player in a skins game by $75, very satisfying, especially as i lost first 4 holes of 9. My stats at the time were around 20%, where as his were all at 110%.

As always EA frontend menu system looks nice and EA sports radio gives you recent headllines from around the world, along with results ticker on bottom of screen.

Graphically however, there is little or no improvement, except that the water looks a lot nicer, but hey how much time do you want to spend near water in a golf game?

The crowds still appear to be doing everything as one, no independent ai when a ball comes hurtling towards them, IMHO i would not bother programming crowds in unless they are in the stands, or behind ropes like the real thing, otherwise its a pretty pointless feature.

All in all a worthy second hand or below rrp purchase, otherwise unless you only play ranked online stick with 07, or 06!