Who Figured Golf Could Be So Much Fun?

User Rating: 8.5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 WII
Wandering back into ownership of a home gaming console post Coleco-vision (I know, I know), seemed an intimidating process. First-person shooters, MMORPGs... I had no clue where to start. So, after a few random synapse firings in which I remembered experiences where I had the most fun, I settled on a WII since it appeared to have the most potential for the group play that I enjoyed.

I bought the one with WII sports included and the disc collection had baseball, bowling, boxing, tennis and golf. None of which seemed overly exciting but which looked like they had the most group play potential.

After unpacking it and playing them all at a friends house, it was the golf game that we became the most drawn to. Probably because he was an avid live-golfer. I found myself playing even when no one else was around in spite of the fact that live-golf never appealed to me.

And so as I caught the golfing bug I decided to venture further into the home console market and buy my first WII game. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08!

I have to say, it was easy to get the hang of. From putting to switching clubs, it was a cake-walk to master the basics of game play. Definitely a good investment and something that I see myself not just setting aside in the months to come! The best thing is that I don't seem to be the only one at my house interested in playing. A good thing because people thought I should be a little more sociable instead of sitting on my laptop all the time.