More courses, more golfers, more game face. If you like golf you still only have one choice, and it's a good choice.

User Rating: 8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 PS3
Having been a big fan of the TW series since 2005 version on the PS2, the basic mechanics of the game haven't changed much. 08 isn't vastly different to 07 it just has more content, courses, golfers and game face eqiupment. I like the Fade/Draw set-up option as you can use this on dog legs or in windy conditions. Overall it plays a solid game of golf. EA still have this market cornered so do they really need to change the game that much year on year? I just wish they would add more courses. It would be nice to play a PGA Tour year without returning to the same courses for different events. I'm sure EA could add about 30 courses onto a Blu-Ray disk or make them downloadable and add them to the season. As this game has been going for a number of years now EA must of mapped at least 30 different real courses by now.