Tger improves but dosen't offer much new.

User Rating: 7.5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 WII
Like it or not Tiger is here every year to offer a new round of golf. In the 08 eddtion EA gave us some game play improvments and some new game modes. Whats really noticble is the confidnce metter. How well you do (or bad) is how well you do the next hole. it dose offer some realism but takes away when you just want to paly a simple game of golf. Whats really noticlbe is the way you swing. instead of how fast you do a swing it's how long you hold it back, it dosen't make sence and no metter makes it hard to tell how much power your putting into it. Putting seems to improved but suffers from the same no metter problem, and putting is important to getting that great score. But at least your get alot of good moses to play with. Theres a full blown career that gives the fell of being a golfer (in case you been wondering how that is) quick play, and some mine games. Theres a good virity of corses and thnigs to unlock so golf fans will have lots to see. despite it's short comings Tiger woods 08 for the wii is a fun golf game for the golf fans. it's not simple as wii sports to jump into and play but it gies you your moneys worth once you get into it.